Lion Rock RC

Our team




Logged towards
50km goal


Raised for
kids in need



Support our challenge to help Australian kids in need

We are taking part in The Dream Run to help Australian kids in need achieve their dreams.

1 in 6 Australian children are living in poverty and don’t have equal access to an education. Together, we need to support these kids so they can dream BIG and create a better future for themselves.

So we are running to raise funds for The Smith Family to help children in need make the most out of their education. 

Please DONATE NOW and support our run to change the lives of Australian children living in poverty.

Thank you.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Michael Brueggemann

Go, Koeman, Go!


Lj Hooker Home Loans Inner Melb - Nelson Yeung

Add oil! From Nelson Yeung.



it's the third times joining this meaningful event


Stephanie Cheung

Our Team Members